Now I am quite pissed on YouTube. So no same measures for everyone, I see

Double standart YouTube? How you explain you go so harsh for me (including cancel/delete my whole channel) and still let sexual materials in other YouTube videos? 

Just for interesting fact, what is in 14:48? Full sexual scene where you can see almost everything!! You can also sexually ´abuse´ this scene, doing good yourself and it can be used for sexually satisfaction, which YouTube doesn´t likeby all means. Going for little while too. Now Iam really pissed. I get whole channel cancelled for similar shit, which wasn´t no so explicit (like I said,I let maybe some nudity, by mistake or by neglience but no full sexual acts)

14:48. Just straight sexual act. No censoring for it, no blur. I personaly not against any form of sex in enterteiment, but exactly this reasons (as I understand what YouTube send e why I got canceled) I got cancelled my channel, so you can understand I am now really pissed for these double measures. Fuck you again YouTube.

By the standart of YouTube, this video should be removed just for including that scene and not bluring it/censoring it by strict standart of YouTube. If there is that stuff in that movie, by standart of YouTube whole movie shouldn´t be there or atleast devoted that scene

YouTube does not allow the posting of explicit content for sexual gratification.

That section of Carpathia fan movie on YouTube, doesn´t it exactly fill that definition? I would definitely say yes

Don´t know how many readers of my blog are now former viewers of my deceased Pure Gaming Channel, but just one warning - if you download any of my videos and thinking about upload it, just don´t do it.Atleast for videos whuch are older then date when YouTube decde to remove my channel altogether which was 28.6. As YouTube have probably some database of fingerprints of every video what was uploaded and probably would identifed my previous videos even if it was upload by you like another user of YouTube. And you shuldn´t probably risk of your whole YouTube channel just trying to get my stuff back to YouTube. Most of stuff I upload on FastShare and Datoid is probably safe to upload again to YouTube as I can´t it upload on YouTube because cancel of my channel. Excluding After The Inferno, Going Rogue  and House Party clips or movies as these have been uploaded to my YouTube channel before canceling it


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