Fortnite Battle Passes Are Changing Forever! Is This A Win For Gamers?
Jako jediná věc je ten první skin(y) Deadpoola. To je ta jediná věc, která by se mohla vrátit. Jako pokud se nebudou vracet, tak jsi měl ohromné štěstí že jsem se dostal k tomu Marvel battlepassu. Ještě, že Deadpool je tak významná postava, že dostal ten další skin do shopu. Tušil jsem, že když tady bude ten Wolverine & Deadpool, že k tomu můžou dát i nějaký ten skin. Takže mě je to vlastně úplnně jedno. Pořád jsem získal ten skin Deadpoola. Ne z Battlepassu, ale je to Deadpool
Like the only thing is the first skin(s) of Deadpool. That's the only thing that could come back. Like, if they don't come back, I was extremely lucky I got my hands on that Marvel battlepass. Good thing Deadpool is such a prominent character that he got that other skin in the shop. I figured with the Wolverine & Deadpool thing here, they might as well put some of that skin on it. So I don't really care. I still got the Deadpool skin. Not from that Battlepass, but it is still Deadpool
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Like the only thing is the first skin(s) of Deadpool. That's the only thing that could come back. Like, if they don't come back, I was extremely lucky I got my hands on that Marvel battlepass. Good thing Deadpool is such a prominent character that he got that other skin in the shop. I figured with the Wolverine & Deadpool thing here, they might as well put some of that skin on it. So I don't really care. I still got the Deadpool skin. Not from that Battlepass, but it is still Deadpool
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