My YouTube channel is gone....sadly get flagged because there could be some problems with nudity/sex parts

If someone can help me with this or know someone who was even revert even refused appeal, I would be so grateful (but is probably already too late and YouTube probably delete videos as channel was taken down or will delete it down the line as it is not doing atleast some traffic for them)

So my every (new) video from this moment will be both on Fastshare and  Datoid. Yes, it will be less user friendly then just play it on YouTube, and you will have to download it,but I get credits in both sharing sites which I could use either for downloading other stuffs atleast 

I really don't agree with decision of YouTube. Everyone who was visiting that channel knows that I was trying censor all of potential sexual and naked stuff. I always cut that explicit stuff when I decide to have more heavy erotic stuff in my channel. No sexual acts. More then 2700 videos big channel are probably in dust. I will probably start fresh, but everthing what is like before this day Is uncertain to be uploaded again (definitely nothing from House Party, After the Inferno, Going Rogue etc. Even that censored versions). Pitty all these videos. (But this time I will just avoid completely to upload any gaming footage from any heavier sexual game. So even majority of game you do else something then do sex or have some sexual interaction and people have their clothes on them (but still include these stuffs more then usual), I won't risk it again. Even if it should be tiniest naked exposed part of body) - update: not true anymore. Won´t upload again. Pitty is I really spend so much time like in case of House Party,After The Inferno etc to censor stuffs. Even like frame by frame. Tried Pornhub, but that stupid verification, I give it up shortly. Maybe that was mistake. 
Update 2 - Not sure if I begin whole new channel. It is very high probality I will use just combination of FastShare and Datadoid.It is now equal if it will get deleted on Youtube, Fastshare or Datadoid. Or any other service. Or somewhere else. Atleast it won´t be from any reasons like it was on YouTube
Will try fight and try to get some compromise with YouTube or someone within who could be more helpful and have more understanding. Also trying to get contact with EFF now, email them but as YouTube Is decline my appeal, I am really sceptic
Maybe like delete that 'bad' videos by themselves (YouTube I mean) or pointing to parts of video which need to be change. And which videos. And then I would go way of avoiding any more revealing gaming videos. Just last one chance (like over 2700 versus lke probably under 50 or less videos which could include some ´naked´ or ´spicy´ stuff

Yes, just this morning and boom (maybe it was already yesterday). Probably my stupidity I don't 100% haven't been 100 perfect with my editing. Wish there would some automatic nudity censor tool. Or I just don´t try do all censoring just by myself

Worst Is Now I realized I could maybe upload these potential problematic video not on that main channel. Could use some other so atleast my main would be still fine. You know if I overlook something in video or YouTube still thinks it Is too too naked or some heavy stuff, atleast that side channel get nuked. Not my primary. So, so dumb I am
This is like third really big loss of my data/videos. First it was Ulož.to, where I think I have enough time to pay for it, but I think it false, then FastShare decide to wipe out everything what I have there (or atleast I can´t see any older files before certain date).

Most valuable was probably Wildstar videos. Almost complete walkthrough from beginnig to end, all main (you could do in solo) questy+some sidequest. There Is no fully functional Wildstar client/server, so these Is absolutely no chance to record again. Only try to find if I have it on anyof my working harddrive

Will probably uploading both on FastShare and Atleast one big advantage will have this - no more time spend how I should censor it,where and what. Just really quick cutting or joining videos

Links (new video)

Have access to older parts, but not now.  So they will be reuploaded (both version I try to edit for YouTube and full explicit so atleast that time editing won´t be for nothing even if it will be just sit there


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