Containment algorithms won’t stop super-intelligent AI, scientists warn

More reason to ensure AGI will be always benevolent and friendly. Teaching it kindness and that co-operation is more then conflict. And problems are better to resolve peacefuly. I am thinking that in the end, law will change so every robot with AGI will be responsible for it's own decision like human. On other hands I would guess robots with AGI will be protected samé way as humans by law - if you hurt very badly someone, you are risking punishment. So if you hurt robot with AGI (in some future) I think there will be laws to punish your behaviour. Same as it would be real human. I also think AGI existing in only virtual space will be subject of same laws. Maybe there will be something like virtual prison for bad or evil AGI, which break laws
I think these laws will be needed as AGI will be practicaly as us capable to be independent
Maybe in some way we are already there as I read in Wikipedia that one of Pepper robot was fired. Not resell, not sended back to company, but fired from its workplace. Althought still can imagine how it could look when robot is getting fired
When could robot feel pain, I think that was showed in really interesting way in Chappie. Warning - spoilers.
I must admit that was most intensive moments in the movie, when main bad guy with his team kidnapped Chappie and begin torture him to get safe key from him. Almost cried during that


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