About future economic- citation - nice opinion

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OBVIOUSLY... Only 2 of the 27 comments here are people who have heard of a Resource Based Economy as proposed by The Venus Project. Do some research because WE are it. We are the most important era of all human civilization. We have the automation to provide abundance of any and everything. Or kill every living thing on the planet.Access to instead of ownership. For example, if you golf, you go to the coarse and there is the best clubs, we as a specie knows how to make, accessable to anyone. Like a library, you turn them in when finished.Automation can build a house in 24 hours, make a pair of shoes in 8 mins. And package your M&M's in less than 1 second.If education was Free, there would be 100 X the doctors in 8 years. Paradise or Oblivion. Its our choiceBeyond Poverty, Politics and War The Venus Project 

od Stand up for GOOD


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